The Age of Cloud Native Application Development

native mobile app development services company

July 20, 2023

Reading time about 6 minutes

We have always seen enterprises and businesses juggling between traditional and cloud-based application development. In recent years, cloud-based native mobile app development companies have changed the traditional method of the application development process. It has delivered more optimized and potential business operations to enterprises.
In this blog, we will discuss why cloud-native application development has greater potential and how it unlocks the potential benefits to enterprises.

Traditional Vs Cloud Native Application Development

Traditional application development is the old method of development in which applications run on a mainframe environment or require a client/server environment to operate fully. It usually brings a lot of hassle and needs to purchase new hardware to upgrade or scale up to the next level. Manual programming is more time-consuming than cloud-based application development and takes longer to manually tweak code to support multiple platforms.
The cloud is changing the way applications are developed and it is giving custom cloud software solutions development for the enterprises and businesses the agility they need to be competitive. Research indicates that the adoption of cloud-native application development techniques will spike in the coming years, with 32% of new enterprise applications set to be developed as cloud-native.
Cloud-native application development leverage on many modern software development techniques including microservices, containers, CI/CD, agile methodologies, and DevOps.

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The Landscape of Cloud-native Application Development

This shift in popular software development techniques has seen a new landscape of predominantly open-source tools emerge. Many custom enterprise cloud-native app development service providers in the USA maintain an interactive graphic of this ecosystem. Let’s look at these four layers of cloud-native application development.

1. The Application Definition and Development Layer

The top layer of cloud-native application development focuses on the tools used by developers to build applications, such as databases, messaging systems, container images, and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. Cloud-based native mobile app development company uses application definition and development layer one after one within the app development.

2. The Provisioning Layer

The provisioning layer in the cloud-based application stack includes everything that is required to build and secure the environment where an application will run. It typically involves treating infrastructure as code, storing images, addressing application, security needs, vulnerability needs, scanning, and authentication tools.

3. The Runtime Layer

The runtime layer is the container set of computing constraints used to execute an application. Containerized apps believe they are running on their own dedicated computer and are oblivious that they are sharing resources with other processes. The container runtime is the software that executes containerized applications and provides them with the needed resources.
The runtime layer delivers everything associated with the running of a cloud-native application.

4. The Orchestration and Management Layer

The orchestration and management layer brings together the tools required to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications. It includes service discovery, service proxy, API gateway, and service mesh opt to bring their stack together into a self-service internal developer platform or to purchase an opinionated platform as a service (PaaS).

Also Read: Tips To Plan Your Budget for Your Next Mobile App Development Project

Advantages of Cloud Native Application Development

Cloud-based application development requires a very different architecture than traditional enterprise applications. Here are some key differences and advantages that cloud-based applications bring over traditional enterprise application development.

  1. Easy Programming Languages

Traditional application development uses traditional languages like C/C++, C#, and enterprise Java that is very tough to maintain and update. Cloud-based native mobile app development company uses modern web-centric languages like HTML, CSS, Java, JavaScript, .NET, Go, Node.js, PHP, Python, etc. to deliver the best enterprise solutions.

  1. Ease of Updating Application

Cloud-based applications are built to be highly available, resilient, and regularly updatable when compared to the traditional application development. Thus, custom cloud software solutions development provides a productivity boost for development teams to focus on their competitive advantage and deliver new features to customers more frequently than before.

  1. Elasticity

Cloud-native applications typically take advantage of the elasticity of the cloud by flexing consumption depending on demand, whereas an on-premises application would require the physical provisioning of additional infrastructure to scale effectively. This also has cost implications, as the cloud allows you to pay for what you use and avoid costly overprovisioning of your own infrastructure—at least in theory.

  1. Multitenancy

A cloud-native app has no problem working in a virtualized space and sharing resources with other applications using a multitenant model. This brings a clear efficiency boost to development teams.

  1. Scalability

Cloud-native applications are designed to scale easily. They can handle increased workloads and traffic by leveraging the elasticity of cloud infrastructure. With the ability to automatically scale up or down based on demand, cloud-native applications can ensure optimal performance and cost efficiency.

  1. Resilience and Fault Tolerance

Cloud-native applications are built with resilience and fault tolerance in mind. Cloud native development emphasizes observability, making it easier to monitor and troubleshoot applications. They are designed to handle failures gracefully by using redundant components, distributed architectures, and automatic recovery mechanisms.
This ensures that the application remains available and reliable even when individual components or services experience issues.

  1. Agility and Time-to-Market

Cloud-native development enables faster time-to-market for applications. By leveraging cloud services and infrastructure, developers can focus on writing code rather than managing infrastructure. This accelerates the development process and enables rapid iteration, allowing organizations to deliver new features and updates quickly.

  1. Cost Efficiency

Cloud-native applications development can be cost-effective due to their ability to dynamically allocate, and scale resources based on demand. With cloud infrastructure, organizations can pay for only the resources they need, avoiding upfront infrastructure costs. Additionally, cloud providers often offer pricing models that allow for optimization and cost control.

  1. Improved Monitoring and Observability

Cloud-native development emphasizes observability, making it easier to monitor and troubleshoot applications. With the use of logging, metrics, and distributed tracing, developers and operations teams can gain insights into the performance, behavior, and dependencies of various application components, facilitating efficient debugging and optimization.

Also Read: Why Are Businesses Moving to Native From Cross-Platform Application?


Cloud-native mobile application development collectively contributes to increased agility, scalability, and reliability, enabling organizations to build and deploy modern, cloud-native applications that can meet evolving business requirements. Developers can automate the deployment, scaling, and management of applications.
This leads to faster release cycles, improved collaboration, and streamlined operations. Clavax is the best cloud-native app development service provider in the USA. If you are looking to integrate cloud-based applications for your enterprise, then connect with us today!

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