Decoding All About the AR App Development – Costs & Features

AR App development company

August 2, 2024

Reading time about 6 minutes

Thanks to the technological advances that have transformed the way businesses across industries function and how they interact with their customers delivering exceptional experiences. Over the years, we have seen the transformative nature of AR in the digital world as it integrates digital information with the physical environment in real time through the addition of elements that exist in the natural world such as haptic feedback, graphics, sounds, or even smell. However, building an AR app for your business can be challenging, especially if you are not aware of the app development cost and features of the app.  

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In this blog, we will discover all the key factors that impact the cost and AR features that must be kept in mind while building AR apps. Going through this guide will help you make informed decisions and plan your AR app development journey in a better way. 

Main Factors That Impact the AR App Development Cost

One of the important aspects before building an app is budget, especially if you own a business startup with limited resources. Investing in AR app development can be a good investment that can take your business to new heights of success, but without proper planning and analysis, you can make a blunder mistake. In this section, we will learn about the factors that can impact the app development cost.   

  • App Complexity & Features 

The more complex your app is and the more features you add to your AR app, the more will be the development cost. For example, if you are adding advanced AR features like real-time tracking and interactive user experiences, you will need more resources, more time and undoubtedly more cost than building a basic app with simple features.  

Building simple AR apps will cost around $30k to $50k, medium apps will cost around $ 40k to $120k, and highly complex AR apps cost between $120k to $300k or more. 

  • App Platform You Choose 

Making a presence of your AR app for different platforms like iOS, Android, etc. can add development costs, which is why you can opt for cross-platform development frameworks to build apps that work seamlessly on several app platforms.  

Rather than building your app on separate platforms which can cost a fortune, cross-platform app development is a cost-effective approach even though it requires little effort and investment.  

  • AR App Types 

Another factor that contributes to the AR app development cost is the type of AR solutions you choose for your business and customer needs. Every type of AR app offers different capabilities and functionalities that cater to different use cases and objectives, thereby impacting the cost of developing the apps.  

They are Marker-based AR apps, markerless AR apps, projection-based AR apps, location-based AR apps, location-based AR apps and superimposition AR apps.   

  • Technology You Choose 

One important factor that influences the AR app development costs and timeline is the technologies you choose to work with for your development. Some of the renowned AR frameworks are ARKit, ARCore, and others that impact the app’s performance, scalability, etc.  

Always ensure that you take time to choose the right stack, which aligns with your business-specific needs and budget constraints. 

  • UI/UX Design of Apps 

For your AR app to be successful, it is important to ensure that your app is designed in such a way that it is appealing enough to gain the attention of users and boost engagement. Investing in a visually appealing UI/UX for your app is a good choice for long-term success but it comes with the AR app development cost. The attractive UI/UI of your app will not only increase user experiences but also boost retention rates. 

  • Development Team’s Location And Hourly Rates 

Based on the skills/ expertise and the location of the development team you are planning to work with, the development cost also varies. Hiring developers from highly developed countries can be costly whereas developers from developing countries can cost less.  

For example, hourly rates come between $ 40 to $250 per hour for North America while developers in Asia and India take around $20 to $80 per hour.  

AR Features To Keep In Mind Before Building App

The success of your AR app will depend on the features you choose for your app as it will directly help to enhance user engagement as well as app functionality.  

Some of the basic AR app features are as follows- 

  • Built-in integrations are important for AR apps to connect with other platforms and services for additional functionalities. 
  • Make use of push notifications to keep users engaged and updated on new launches, promotions, and events in real time. 
  • Fast-loading time is a must for AR apps as they can provide a responsive and seamless user experience. 
  • Integrate location-based services for delivering personalized AR experiences based on the user’s geographical location. 
  • Let users find specific products, information, or AR content within the app using intuitive search options.  
  • Robust data protection measures must be taken to build AR apps such as encryption and compliance with data protection regulations, to keep business data secure. 

Some of the advanced AR App Features that you need for building advanced apps are AI support, virtual assistants, 3D models, IoT integration, multilingual capability, etc.  

Final Takeaways

Irrespective of the industry verticals like the retail sector, education, manufacturing, healthcare and more, integration of AR in apps is redefining businesses to elevate user engagement and enhance overall experiences. If you are also planning to leverage augmented reality for your app development needs, taking the help of a trusted AR App development company like Clavax is crucial.  

Having a bunch of expert tech professionals and a proven track record of delivering thousands of customised solutions, we have helped several clients across the globe meet their expectations and embrace AR potential to the fullest. Connect with our development experts today to unlock new opportunities and achieve success in the competitive business world with Augmented Reality. Reach out to us to get a detailed quote for the AR app cost and development timeline.  

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