Best Quality Assurance Practices to Follow for Delivery of Stable Software

hire offshore software testing team in USA

June 20, 2023

Reading time about 7 minutes

When you plan to build the software by getting the most from your team’s effort, you need the right set of practices for quality assurance. If you are wondering what quality assurance is all about and what practices you must keep in mind to ensure stable delivery of your software, you have come to the right place.
Quality Assurance can be defined as the systematic process to determine whether a product or software meets the specific needs, expectations, and requirements of customers. With the help of a proper Automated Software Testing Services Company, you can create software that stands apart from the competition and build trust with your customers.
In this blog, you will learn everything about the best quality assurance practices and how they will help in the delivery of stable software.

Top Practices to Keep in Mind for Software Quality Assurance

As we talk about software quality assurance services, you must be wondering about the Automation Software Testing Services Cost Estimation, and finding the cost is not a tough task if you take the help of experts. To ensure that your software products are reliable, here are some of the top-Quality Assurance practices that must be followed-

1. Well-Crafted Strategic Plan

One of the most important steps in the quality assurance process is planning where a complete layout with a roadmap of all the key elements of your software is considered i.e. what should be tested, how testing should be done, & how test results can be evaluated. Additionally, you can create milestones to ensure that you don’t miss out on any details and help in moving you toward a fully tested version of your software.
Get backup systems ready when things don’t go as planned so that you will be pleased with the result after implementing such systems when any situation arises. Also, make sure that you document each stage of your software testing process to help you and your team keep track of every stage.
Having a good plan will give you a way to follow the right process thereby giving you and your client peace of mind with the best version of your software.

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2. Keep Special Focus on Bug Fixes

It is crucial to pay special attention to the bugs you encounter on the way while moving forward with your software development plan. Bugs are unwanted or unexpected problems that arise in your software preventing it from working properly. Though some bugs don’t cause much trouble, others can make your software crash causing major havoc.
Your task is to ensure that you don’t release your software until and unless you get all the problems resolved. Whenever you find bugs in your software, take immediate steps to fix them based on usage. If some bugs show up more frequently than others, it’s important to address them first before moving on to the others.
Keeping control of your bugs is an effective way to create high-quality software that does the job in the right way.

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3. Continuous Software Delivery

It would be wrong to say that quality assurance stops when the software is released because it is not the case. One thing we should keep in mind is that quality assurance is a never-ending process that continues even after its release. No matter how perfect you have built your software, bugs, and other issues will come up from time to time.
Continuous delivery in the quality assurance process helps you to update and improve your software after it’s developed, in short breaks, at a higher speed and frequency, while preventing downtime. If you discover bugs in your software, continuous delivery enables you to handle them without much effort and stress.

4. Go for External Quality Reviews

Another vital part of the quality assurance process is external quality reviews, which are done to ensure that the software you built is of the highest possible quality at all times. While reviewing your software, you may miss out on something or another as you won’t always see everything from an objective point of view.
Overcome that issue with the help of external quality reviews. To get an external review of your software, you can hire a third-party company to examine your software’s quality. By hiring an experienced testing team, they will figure out issues you did not see and can even fix bugs optimizing your software in new ways which you thought were impossible.
The key is choosing the right software company that will help you improve your test results and take your software’s quality to a whole new level. You will witness the outcome that will make you smile with the immense benefits it can offer.

5. Take the Help of a Quality Assurance Software Tester

Having a reliable software tester on your team is a must as software can be tested with proper usage keeping track of any issues that might come up. For instance, your software tester can note down any problems associated with the user interface of the software. In addition to that, testers can help to detect bugs and other problems before you release your software to the public.
Fixing such issues on time is simpler rather than finding them later from the client or after many delays. Let your software tester review each part of your development plan to help you avoid unexpected problems.

6. Conduct Regression Tests

We know that regression testing usually happens toward the end of your software development cycle but in some scenarios, when your software is almost done, you might want to add additional features that you have not considered in the initial stage. There is a chance that the new features added to the software alter the code and may cause new bugs to show up.
This is when regression testing comes into action by ensuring that those bugs don’t ruin your software or harm the user experience. This type of testing helps you to go back and forth to look for new bugs that might show up while adding new features. It is always advisable to go for multiple regression tests if there is any update in your software after its release.

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7. Run Sanity Tests on Production

The last phase of the quality assurance process is sanity tests, which are important to make sure that you complete your software production cycle without additional issues and maintain uninterrupted runtime after deployment. Sanity tests are focused on the final product to ensure no bugs are present in the software with the verification that it is ready for release.
This help in figuring out any issues that you might have missed on the way reducing your possibility of running into problems in the future. Sanity tests are vital as they help you to optimize your software making it free from errors as much as possible before the product is released to the market or when you deploy new updates or features.

Final Takeaways

After going through the blog, it is evident that testing software is an essential part of building great software. Irrespective of the type of software you are planning to build, quality assurance helps in making it as close to perfection as possible.
The software you release helps to reflect the brand reputation and the values for which your brand stands. Using the right quality assurance testing services helps to figure out bugs and enhance every odd to get the desired results.
If you are planning to hire an offshore software testing team in USA, Clavax can be a great choice as our experts can help to provide high-performing quality assurance testing services for better business outcomes.

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