Addressing Compliance Requirements with Custom Mobile Apps for Enterprises

Custom fintech software development services

June 24, 2023

Reading time about 7 minutes

In this age of brand engagement, it is almost impossible to find a brand or business without a mobile app or website. In pursuit of fast solutions, companies tend to build their apps with the help of ready-to-go platforms that do not fulfill the compliance requirements entirely as well as are unable to match the needs of their businesses.
Custom mobile app development is the only effective solution. Here, we will discuss why brands and businesses can leverage custom enterprise software development companies to build an app that aligns with organizational needs and easily addresses compliance requirements.

Why Custom Mobile App Development is Essential?

Custom mobile app development is the process of tailoring mobile apps according to the need and requirement of your business. Custom software development company USA such as Clavax Technology develops custom mobile apps based on the need and requirement of organizations, corporates, and SMBs.
These apps are tailored based on the needs of the audience as well as internal employees to provide the functionality and features that simple off-the-shelf solutions cannot provide in any way. Let’s see some of the points which will clarify that custom mobile app development is the need of today’s organizations and SMBs.

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1. Better and Enhanced Security

Custom mobile app development allows you to implement specific security measures to keep your data safe and secure. It eliminates the risk of data breaching and threats via data encryption with a customized approach to meet the requirements of various OS and APIs.

2. High Scalability

Off-the-shelf apps are designed to deliver processes only for a limited number of resources. It can only meet the needs and requirements of small-scale businesses. But, as the need and requirements of SMBs increase they must move to a custom enterprise software development company for integrating various parameters such as load of data, access to wider audiences, features, and other integrations.

3. Easy to Maintain

Your brand and business app should be user-centric and can provide a better experience to the users. In case your mobile app crashes or could not provide all the features then it can be easily maintained and works well to get full control over the development and maintenance process.

4. Integrating Additional Capabilities

off-the-shelf mobile apps can hardly extend their capabilities to integrate special features and integrations. When the number of users increases and businesses need special features then they have to move to custom mobile app development to highlight the competitive advantages of their business and differentiate their product on the market.

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How Custom Mobile App Development Can Address Compliance Requirements?

As an organization, if you’re thinking of building an app from scratch then there are various mobile app laws, regulations, and best practices that you need to meet to make your app live for the audiences on the app store. Custom software development company USA such as Clavax Technology helps you in building an app that meets with all certain compliance and privacy guidelines of your app.
Compliance Standards for mobile apps development are critical to maintain. Therefore, it is essential for brands or organizations to ensure they are complying with relevant laws, policies, and regulations. This helps organizations to ensure PII data, PHI data, sensitive IP, and transactions are not exposed by mobile apps in violation of these standards.
Custom mobile app development allows you to implement robust security measures, such as data encryption, secure authentication, and secure storage of data along with compliance regulations and data privacy laws such as GDPR, CCPA, FISMA, FFIEC, HIPPA, etc. to stay safe from financial or legal penalties or even block systems in production.

1. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

If you want to reach the audiences in the European Union, then you must comply with the GDPR. You must create a privacy policy that establishes how, when, and where your app collects data. GDPR law regulates all areas related to data management and processing from obtaining user consent to setting up company-wide data protection practices and handling data breach incidents.
Custom mobile app development companies implement reasonable data protection measures to protect the personal data of consumers and employees against data loss or exposure.

2. CCPA (The California Consumer Privacy Act)

CCPA compliance regulation was designed in 2018 to give consumers more control over personally identifiable information (PII). Organizations and brands need to meet the following compliance requirements for a safe and secure mobile app. These are :-

  1. Right to know personal information
  2. Right to delete personal information
  3. Right to opt out of selling personal information
  4. Right to non-discrimination for exercising those rights.

Custom software development company USA like Clavax Technology tests mobile apps for CCPA compliance through the mobile app security testing software and services, listing any potential violations, evidence, and remediation instructions.

3. FISMA (The Federal Information Security Modernization Act)

The FISMA Act was originally passed in December 2002, and later amended in 2014 is a United States federal law that made it a requirement for federal agencies to develop, document, and implement an information security and protection program. It aligned with the five functions such as identity, protect, detects, respond, and recover for improving critical infrastructure cybersecurity.
We at Clavax Technology tests mobile apps for security testing software, services, listing any potential violations, evidence, and remediation instructions within the mobile app development.

4. FFIEC (Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council)

FFIEC is an interagency body of the U.S. government. The council has six member agencies that cooperate to set regulatory standards and principles for financial institutions to ensure uniform implementation of the standards throughout the industry and guidelines for management, cybersecurity, and protection of consumer financial data.
Custom fintech software development services help brands and businesses in building mobile apps with uniformity and consistency for financial institutions. It enables secure testing software and services, listing any potential violations, evidence, and remediation instructions.

5. HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

If your app deals with health information, you must comply with the HIPAA act of 1996. It is the national standard to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge. Your healthcare app should safeguard and protect patient’s health information from breaching.
You also need to inform patients about their rights over their health care data. If you are looking for building healthcare apps then we at Clavax technology can help you in building an app with HIPAA regulations throughout the mobile app security.

Also Read: Simplifying Complex Workflows with Custom Mobile Apps

Partner with Experienced Custom Mobile App Development Company

With the digital transformation across various industries, the future of enterprise mobile app development will likely see more sophisticated and advanced capabilities. Enterprise mobile application development demand will soar in 2023 and beyond. Developing a mobile app for your enterprise can bring numerous benefits, including increased efficiency and better brand recognition.
Therefore, it is essential to carefully plan and strategize the mobile app development process to ensure that the various compliance requirements of the app. At Clavax Technologies, we specialize in building custom mobile apps that adhere to compliance standards. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of the best custom enterprise software development companies.

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