05 May 2021
Top Technology Trends Shaping the Future in 2021
As the previous year taught us how technology is not just a buzzword but, could be a basic necessity altogether. Online platforms including the eCommerce industry proved as a great help during the pandemic era, while today, they’re under the basics of everything. Many offline businesses invested in a digital presence and ran parallel to the digital shift.
Advanced technology will continue to grow every day and companies might have a lot to explore through! Let’s embrace the new mindset shaping a better future with the latest tech trends to look up in 2021
Entering into Next-Gen of Mobile Networks
Wave a hand to the fifth generation of mobile internet lending you the kind of speed that was only possible with Wi-Fi! Seems fancy? Being more factual, the coming up internet advancement will lead to extensive improvements in the way how applications are written, deployed, and interacted. How? It involves sustained growth of data-sensitive applications and making use of the Internet of Things (IoT is basically a sensor-embedded physical object having the capabilities to share data through the internet. What’s more worthy here is the faster data transmission and an increased area to innovate. 5G will be a revolution in the world of mobile technology bringing the fastest ever data downloads and transmission in seconds!
The wake of Telemedicine and Telehealth
The pandemic and ongoing crisis have made all realize that healthcare is a sector holding the atmost importance in today’s times. Though many healthcare institutions have already established their way towards telehealth offerings mostly through patient-doctor video chats, Artificial Intelligence based diagnostics, and zero contact medicine delivery options. Well, 2020 witnessed a high demand for home delivery services ranging from essentials to almost all sorts of goods available. Telehealth facility has given a new means to take medical health to another level. Many startups have also taken up their digital presence and found a better way to match with customer’s increasing demand, with every new business coming in force, there’s an opportunity to elevate experiences and introduce more possible options to bridge between patients and doctors.
Distributed Cloud Technology
Heard about the new wave of distributed cloud technology? It is a public cloud computing service allowing one to run public cloud infrastructure in varied locations. On the question of where it actually runs, it’s not just limited to cloud provider’s infrastructure and premises but also in the data centers of different cloud providers along with third-part data centers in action. The increasing demand for distributed cloud technology has brought public clouds much closer to a few locations and also private networks simultaneously. Diminishing the fine lines between how public cloud applications and private cloud applications interact with each other. In this way, the entire process will become smooth and have relatively less latency. It might also require lesser storage components, redundant data as well as bandwidth.
Bringing in force AI, Robotics and Industrial Automation
The coming year will bring heaps of demands and faster development of Artificial Intelligence along with industrial automation technology. With time supply chains and manufacturing are coming into full operations and the major issue here could be the availability of human resources. In this sort of situation, automation can do wonders! With the help of robotics, AI, and IoT, almost everything can get in line or at least have an alternate solution for operating industrial manufacturing. In the era of automation, a few leading companies have already opted for industry automation with robotics and AI integration.