Addressing Security Concerns in Enterprise Mobile App Development

customized software development

July 7, 2023

Reading time about 5 minutes

This blog post can discuss how custom mobile apps can address the unique security challenges faced by enterprises, such as data breaches and hacking attempts. In this smartphone age, no one can imagine a life without a mobile application. Custom mobile apps are becoming an integral part of the enterprise to engage and attract customers with their products and services.
With the rapid growth of mobile apps, security is becoming the major concern among enterprise software development companies in building custom mobile apps for enterprises and businesses.

Major Security Concern in Custom Mobile App Development

Today, most enterprises are in a race to launch their custom mobile app. They want faster deployment of the apps and do not take proper measures to protect customers’ valuable data as well as organizational data. This poor implementation of cybersecurity practices leaves it vulnerable to data breaches and malware attacks by unauthorized hackers.
Thus, this can lead to the loss of personal information, banking information, and other details. Let’s see some of the major security concerns in custom mobile app development.

1. Unsecure Backend

Most mobile applications utilize client-server architecture. An insecure backend will not protect you against malicious attacks on backend servers. Thus, any unwanted threats or hackers can hack or access your data and information leading to unauthorized access.


It is the responsibility of the enterprise mobile app development company to secure the backend of the mobile app development and prevent the enterprise app from unwanted threats and hacks. They can also test all the APIs in line with the mobile platform that is intended to be built for because API authentication and transport protocols might vary from one platform to another.

Also Read: Addressing Compliance Requirements with Custom Mobile Apps for Enterprises

2. Picking up The Wrong Code

Most enterprises do not seek to build the app from the ground level. Instead, they utilize frameworks and ready-made codes to customize their own apps. This insecure code copied from the web can be proven to be malware for app development. This can lead to the loss of valuable data and information for customers as well as enterprise data.


Enterprises must consider an enterprise software development company to build a custom mobile app from scratch. It becomes their responsibility to implement secure codes securing mobile apps by adhering to the security checklist. This makes your enterprise app more secure and user-friendly.

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3. Improper Security Testing

It always seems difficult for the enterprise to build a custom app that is fully secure and durable. There are many ways an unwanted treat can access your valuable data. Many enterprises release their app in beta versions leaving users at risk. It requires proper testing of the app from codes to working and features of the app like – camera, GPS, and many more. It also includes proper policy checking for passwords, non-encrypted data, third-party data, and passwords.


Enterprise website development services can help you in identifying the potential weakness that the attacker could exploit and perform regular penetration tests to ensure no loophole exists for them. Testing custom mobile app development keeping all the hacker’s perspective is an effective method for finding vulnerabilities and maintaining security within the app development.

4. Lack of Server-side Security & Encryption

Server-side security and encryption negligence can cause the loss of sensitive data and information such as – personal information, contact details, and valuable credit card details. It requires advanced algorithms to integrate server-side security and encryption for enterprise apps.


It is crucial to implement robust security measures on the server side to protect sensitive information and ensure the overall security of the mobile app. Enterprise mobile app development company follows best practices and incorporates security throughout the app development lifecycle such as HTTPS, and multi-factor authentication to encrypt data transmitted between the app and the server.

5. Slow Upgrades and Modification

Once you release your enterprise app doesn’t mean that your application is safe and secure for the users. Unwanted treats are always in the race to extract valuable information by finding loopholes in your business app. Thus, you need to regularly release updates to your app by modifying all the pain points and errors within the app.


Enterprise website development services safeguard your application by regularly testing your application and releasing updates of new modifications periodically. One fairly easy way is to test it periodically for new modifications. Therefore, it becomes important to speed up with the latest security trends.

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How Clavax Can Address Security Concerns Within Custom App Development?

Today’s mobile apps are usually cloud native. To meet the ever-changing mobile app development ecosystem, we are regularly integrating the latest technology including hardware, platforms, operating systems, and so on for the app development processes. Clavax is the best enterprise mobile app development company that follows the standard process of security and privacy of the entire app development process.
We create a prototype and define all the major aspects of architecting your apps by following proper testing, integrating all the features, and implementing security through encryption technology. We ensure that the most sensitive pathways in our code are robust and implemented the same across each app. Our in-depth security approach protects communication with its server using multiple encryption layers.
We use a common centralized code base as the foundation of our app development to guard against common pitfalls, such as logging sensitive data or personally identifiable information. We employ similar layers of protection in our apps by leveraging the security features of the platforms ensuring that the most sensitive information is only handled by the innermost layers of the apps for different operating systems and devices – Android and iOS.
At Clavax, our team of expert professionals relies on the standard levels of protection provided by Apple and Google to develop custom enterprise mobile apps.

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